I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 No comments
"Over second and third cups flow matters of high finance, high state, common gossip and low comedy. [Coffee] is a social binder, a warmer of tongues, a soberer of minds, a stimulant of wit, a foiler of sleep if you want it so. From roadside mugs to the classic demi-tasse, it is the perfect democrat."

It's astonishing to be able to place coffee at the center of the essentials to living a great life. Caffeine- the world's most widely used drug. I'm not addicted, it just helps me, really. Just not on a daily basis (I still care for my health you know).

Coffee has helped me survive the sleepless nights I spent studying. It has kept me awake when the words, numbers and symbols seemingly start to jumble all by themselves. It used to be a colossal part of my morning routine. Nothing felt better like seeing the sun rise above you with a cup of coffee in hand. All these years that I've devoted myself to books, coffee has been there. Reading a good book will not be complete without the company of its perfect blend- latte, espresso, cappucino, you name it. Coffee has been my best friend (before I fell irrevocably in love with shoes). I always find solace in doing good o'l stuff in my repertoire list with a cup of coffee to go along with it.

I read a good quote about a physician saying love is the best cure for most sicknesses. If it doesn't work just double the dosage. It could've been better if she finished it off with something like 'but do not overdose'. Anyway, another one is it's general knowledge that alcohol is applied to wounds. It's a disinfectant. They say this is the reason why people drink when they're broken. True? But when you get a hell of a hang over, you turn to a cup of coffee. True again. I didn't really have to go through the whole alcohol thing (because I'm not emotionally broken) - I am so random. I just want to justify related facts.

Around five and a half hours ago, I was attacked by my frailty. Never did I show anybody how weak I could be. I guess apart from the tears I shed from watching movies that inevitably touch the soul, I couldn't remember the last time I found myself in tears for realistic reasons. Today was bad vibes + negative aura prison break. It's pathetic to think really, as if you're pressing the rewind button of your life's movie, and 5.5 hours from this very moment, you see yourself sitting on the bathroom floor, with your clothes on, both hands covering your face. You were crying for only one reason, down to another, and then a few moments later you're crying for all those instances that you failed to expose a dramatic outburst, those times that you should've cried but you didn't. Well, that was a once in a decade scenario. I rarely find myself in such a weird moment- must be the caffeine rush. Press forward. I pulled myself back together, went downstairs, grabbed my notes and my laptop, then made myself a cup of coffee. Bring on another sleepless night.

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