Au revoir, L'été

Friday, June 4, 2010 No comments
Unlike my friends, I instantly gained the capability to let it sink in that I am now a college junior. First week's done! Just thirteen more to goooooooo. Rants? I have none, except for the inevitable complaints about Finance subjects. That's a given.

So it's June. Rainy days. Fresh start. Tendencies to be academically OC. The only month of the school year when I actually look forward to every waking moment just to go to school. Nerd? Then I realized, I'm turning eighteen next month. Finally. I've been left out for so long. I HAVE NEVER BEEN EXCITED FOR MY BIRTHDAY SINCE PUBERTY. So yes, this feeling is unusual.

I am as girly as a girl who admires pink and wears bikinis, but I am not at all traditional. In math terms, Rave at some Superclub > Grand Ball at a 5-star Hotel. But really, all I wanted for my birthday was to treat my friends, drive a car of my own, have a Nikon dSLR, and a Blackberry ( I guess I got over Madonna's 'the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mr. Right' line, but I'm still a material teenage girl). I cannot deny the fact that I find solace and happiness in getting material things, much like almost every teenage girl out there. But sorry, after a year of begging not to have a debut, the unica hija's still getting served. Somehow I got what I wanted. I now have my own car (stick-shift! darn!), a hand-me-down from my dad. A new auto is unattainable now that we have to relocate our family businesses. Nikon and BB, next month. BUT, I am going to use what's left of my puny savings to give my share, then the rest would be on my parents. Part of growing up.

Now, the debut. I do not like this for some reasons I told the boyfriend 1.) I was not built to stretch far emotional to have this. 2.) I hate being the center of attention 3.) Hassle, tamad ako. I can't imagine having to contact different groups of friends to come. The what ifs are killing me. Looking on the bright side, GIFTS! 18 roses complete, need 11 more candles. If you're my friend, and you're free on the 31st of July (which is two days after my actual birthday) to go to Makati, I need you to volunteer. :( Contact me. Okay, au revoir!

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