Life is beautiful

Saturday, October 10, 2009 No comments
Now where was that coined?

I don't see the beauty in my life of endless pressing wonderful scientific calculator keys, staring at those artistic lines of a 10-column worksheet and how it differs from a ledger. Ledgers are white, worksheets are yellow (this beats roses are red, violets are blue). I'm exhausted from computing interests and bank discounts. Come on. All work, no play, makes Maye a dull girl. I already look five years older than my actual age. How frustrating could this be. *sigh*

Tonight was supposed to be one of my best guy buds' party at Eastwood. Dad didn't allow me to go for one of his parental reasons. Primarily because it's too far from home and he's sure I won't be home before midnight (or a little after midnight). This is not an arranged private party. It's more like we go to the party, not the party goes to us. Get it? Then there's a booze, and dirty dancing (or not). It does not appeal to me anymore. However, my boyfriend's going, there will be drinks and other macabre tales polluting the minds of paranoid girlfriends. I'm not a selfish, jealous, evil, psycho-girl. But I know of certain innuendos pulled by party wackos. I should know how it feels.

Why 'o why? I seem to be less fun these days. I would not blame math or accounting. But they probably deserve a part of the blame. I need some extreme cheering up, a serious getaway. I like basketball, not chess. I like shopping, not home cosplaying. I like nightouts better than movie marathons. I was born to sleep indoors, then spend the rest of my life outdoors. Bail me out please. Beep me, haha.

And oh, tweet me. wanna follow mayeeeah?

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